fredag 9. mars 2012

Tilbake til sommeren


Hi Fritz,
It is 1300 UTC and the front has passed. Ct Horno is a wonderful harbour.
Your run looks fine. We are considering to start today/tonight after the wind have turned to S. Then we will get as far north as possible before the wind goes NNE on Sunday. What do you think?


Hi Svenning,

Good to hear you had a good sail!
Gusts on the front eta 12 utc wil come front the N!, Behind the front wind
shifts to SW.
Forecast looks good for the next days!

Friday 9/3: NE 25 kts -> ETA front 12 utc, NE 30 kts front moves front
west to east  with local heavy showers and gust up to 45-55 kts.
Saturday 10/3: S 25 kts -> SE 15 kts
Sunday 11/3: E 15 kts -> NNE 25 kts , south of 43°S wind goes up to NNE 30
kts -> NE 20 kts.
Monday 12/3: NE 15 kts -> SW 15 kts
Tuesday 13/3: SSW 1O-15 kts, later dropping.
Wednesday 14/3: SE 10 kts -> NE 15 kts.



Hi Fritz,
We have had a wonderful sail to Ct Horno, where we arrived this morning at 0945 local time. Here is sunshine and summer with shorts, instead of all the layers of wool. Now we are tied inn with anchor and 3 shorelines, all prepared for tomorrow. From what direction do you predict the heavy gusts from?
We plan to depart  Ct Horno early Saturday morning and sail directly to Mar del Plata, that should take about four days.


Hi Svenning,
No big changes in the weather pattern!
No significant changes about the front tomorrow, wind is litlle less but
still heavy showers locally.

Today Thursday 8/3: SE 15 kts -> 15 utc NE 15-20 kts -> 18 utc NE 20 kts
-> 21 utc NE 25 kts
Friday 9/3: 03 utc NE 30 kts -> ETA front 09 utc, front moves front
west to east  with heavy showers and gust up to 45-55 kts.
Saturday 10/3: S 20 kts -> S 25 kts -> E 15 kts
Sunday 11/3: NE 20 kts -> NE 25 kts , position of the front is much more
south so no need to seek shelter -> N 20 kts.
Monday 12/3: W 20 kts -> SW 15-20 kts
Tuesday 13/3: SW 20 kts -> SW 30 kts.
Wednesday 14/3: SE 20-25 kts -> SE 15 kts.

Let me know when you reached harbor and when you plan to leave.


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